Wednesday, April 27, 2011

C4T #4

A Virtual Professor

In this blog post, Mr. Bill Genereux expressed his concern about learning being entirely technological, without physical bodies congregating together to learn. He asked the following question: “Could you be enticed to work remotely while sacrificing physicality of the workplace?” to which I answered "no" in my response, the reason being because of the visible passion that can be put into a work of study and the 'spark' one can see when another has generated an idea, which simply can't be duplicated with computers, in my oppinion anyway.


Mr. Genereux's post, "My KYHOI," or "Knock Your Head Off Idea," was about his fascination for "Mediated Literacies in Education," or put simply, the ways in which technology is being used for the good of writing for education. In my comment I wrote about how I, as an aspiring writer but with no professional work completed, one of the ways in which I can "put my work out there" is technological devices such as blogging and twitter. Having followers or subscribers or whatever they may be as fans could aid my work in gaining any popularity, and maybe... a work could be published thanks to technology.

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